Thursday, October 29, 2015

Social and Personal - January 12, 1917...Part Two

More from the social column……see part one here

Nat Mozley has bought the Gordon Smith residence and will move in the next few days.

Mr. and Mrs. JH Griffith spent several days recently with their son Wilburn at East Point.

Miss Edith Dake is suffering this week from a genuine case of measles.

JD Enterkin of Winston was a pleasant caller at the Sentinel office this week.

FM Giles has moved to his new home

CC Johnston, a popular merchant from Winston was here Monday.

VR Smith left Tuesday for Florida where he will spend about ten days

Mrs. Viola Bullington, Route 6, had her subscription set forward a year this week.

Dr. JO Morgan of Pittsburg, Pa. spent Saturday with Dr. RE Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. DP Burson was called to Atlanta this week on account of the illness of

their daughter, Mrs. JH Lane.

FH Souter of Route 1 and WJ Walker of Route 6 are among the new Sentinel readers this week.

WC Jones of Villa Rica has moved to Douglasville and opened a shoe shop in JH Smith’s store.

OH Gable of Winston was in Douglasville Wednesday.

Miss Willie Tackett of Route 6 is among those advancing their Sentinel subscriptions

JW McKinley who has some large contracts with the government at Mobile and other places spent the holidays here with his family.

Fifteen young ladies met at the home of Miss Nannie Love Selman last Saturday and organized a D.D. Club. Their motto is depend on the D Ds.   Their colors: black and white.  Flower: Dew Drops.

Mrs. JW Souter has moved to Austell.

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