Here's the news from the Daniel's Mill community for January 31, 1901 from their correspondent at that time....."Wild Bill".
We have been having some bad and rainy weather for the past few days and most of the people in this community who are trying to farm are looking very sad.
Our postmaster, Mr. Aderhold made a bus trip to Atlanta last Monday.
Mr. L.D. Dodson of Winston was in the vicinity last Friday.
Mr. Joe Giles, one of Pumpkintown's hustling young men was here last Saturday visiting relatives.
Hurrah for the boys who attended the entertainment the other Sunday night.
Misses Myrtle and Nannie Baggett, two of Winston's most charming young ladies were here last Saturday, the guests of relatives.
Mr. J.S. Giles went to Douglasville last Monday with cotton.
Miss Sudie Williams was the guest of Miss Willie Aderhold last Sunday.
The entertainment given by Mrs. Emma Daniell last Saturday afternoon was well attended and enjoyed by all present.
Wild Bill
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