Sunday, September 27, 2015

Community News for Ephesus, January 31, 1901

The tagline for the paper in 1901 was “published in the interests of Douglas County”.
Many of the early issues of the Douglas County Sentinel were filled with community news.
Here are the social notes of the Ephesus Community on January 31, 1901. The correspondent is signed as “Hope”.  I have no idea…yet….who this was.

The many friends of Mr. John Boatwright of Bremen, son of Mr. W.V. Boatwright of this place will learn with regret that he is very sick.
Miss Ethel Heaton of Winston visited her sister at this place last Friday

Mrs. Boyd Saver and brother were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Clinton Sunday.
Owing to the inclemency of the weather church services at this place were not well attended last Sunday.

Mr. Tom Dorsett we are glad to learn is convalesing.
Mr. J.M. Roberson has moved to Mr. John Johnson’s place on the Carrolton Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hunter entertained their many friends with an informal dance last Friday evening.
Miss Mattie McKoy of Winston spent last Sunday with Miss McLarty

Mr. John Sayer together with his friend Mr. Davenport attended church services at this place Sunday
Mr. C.M. Clinton is the proud father of a boy who promises to be the Sampson of his day being only seven months old and weighing 30 pounds.

Signed Hope

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